Some mouse shortcuts in AutoHotKey

Some personally commonly used Autohotkey mouse shortcuts.

Implementing Alt+Tab window switching effect by clicking the left and right mouse buttons.

; Mouse left and right buttons for window switching, click the left button first and then the right button
~LButton & RButton::AltTab
~LButton & MButton::MsgBox, hello

Quickly exit the current window using the mouse and keyboard

; Pressing the left mouse button and the Enter key triggers the exit of the application
~LButton & Enter:: 

Scrolling the mouse on the taskbar to control the volume

; Scroll the mouse wheel over the taskbar to adjust volume, press down the wheel to mute
    if (ExistClass("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") = 1) 
        Send, {Volume_Up} 

    if (ExistClass("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") = 1) 
        Send, {Volume_Down} 

    if (ExistClass("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") = 1) 
        Send, {Volume_Mute} 

    WinGet, winid, ID, %class% 
    if win = %winid% 
        Return, 1 
        Return, 0 

Shift + Scroll Wheel for Horizontal Scrolling / Cursor Selection

; Shift + Scroll Wheel for Horizontal Scrolling / Cursor Selection
    SetScrollLockState, On
    SendInput {Left}
    SetScrollLockState, Off

    SetScrollLockState, On
    SendInput {Right}
    SetScrollLockState, Off

; Horizontal scrolling in everything except Excel

Also, you can achieve Mac hot corner-like functionality by combining AutoHotKey with the mouse. Refer to this article for details.

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