AutoHotKey quick invocation of Everything search

Every time I find it cumbersome to search for clipboard files using Everything on the computer, I tried implementing a simple and quick search function using AutoHotKey: Hold down Ctrl, double-click the ‘C’ key (press Ctrl+C twice), and it automatically invokes an Everything search for the currently copied content (text only, of course). If it’s not found on Everything, use Ctrl+Enter to perform a Google search

; Double-press Ctrl+C to invoke a local search using Everything; Inside Everything, CTRL+Enter triggers a Google search
   static pressed1 = 0
   if pressed1 and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey <= 500
      pressed1 = 0
      run C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe -search "%Clipboard%"
      pressed1 = 1

If you need to perform a direct search without enabling Everything, you can also use Alt+Win+G to launch

    Send ^c
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